Payments Implementations

If you are business wanting to offer your customers a quick, safe and easy-to-use payment system Swivel can help you choose and implement a payment solution that satisfies both the needs of your customers and your business.

To accept payments and process credit or debit cards you will need either a payment gateway, a payment orchestrator or an end-to-end solution. Choosing the right solution is determined by the currencies you want to accept, the transaction fees you need to negotiate, the speed with which you want your money in your merchant account and the variety of payment methods you will want to offer.

We offer a full range of Implementation services to make your payments projects successful.

We can augment your team or work as a Vendor to perform the following:

      1. Gap Analysis
      2. Solution Development and Execution
      3. Strategic Planning and Project Management
      4. Develop Analytics Strategy & Operations Workflows
      5. Education Training & Post Implementation Support.

Your payment processing should not be something that is just running in the background of your business. Payments need to be a critical part of long-term growth strategy and execution. Illuminating payments via consolidated data and insights can accelerate business growth and create long-term relationships with your customers. Get in touch to learn how our hands-on approach can help you.